The workshop involved creating adjustment layers for certain photographs, adding layers and altering levels. I did the edits below, Subtle differences worked better than totally altering the mood of the photo.
ome notes taken from the session:
Automate = Photomerge = Panorama view....Load images, select 'create smart object', this then merges the images and gets rid of the moving factors in the image, select 'layer' - smart objects - stack mode (reveals the new image) to get things like clouds to stop merging and leaving blurs instead of crisp clouds. Put the original on top and then use the magic wand to delete the objects u don't need.
The photoshop upgrades aren't always the most useful, for e.g. when you need to create a contact sheet which the newest photoshop doesn't have set. Go on Apps, go on Cmdi, select 32bit...Automate - contact sheet.
If you change your setup to produce CYMK colour it will loose the true quality of the colour and the change will be unchangeable, so whenever your printing a photograph, make sure the colour is set too RGB, this ensures the print is top spec.
Type - resterize, select similar, new adjustment layer, then alter the hue and saturation, delete the original text, I'll be left with the outline, with this I could add an adjustment layer and change the effect.
Saving images to the internet - (the following format is related to the size used on the BBC's website)
Resolution: 72
Width: 500
Height: 503
Save the image as a web based format i.e. JPEG
File - Window - Actions = useful way of recording your actions on Facebook.
We then created a droplet which is a photoshop application, Automate creates this droplet.