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Friday 15 February 2013

What is good? 10 good/ 10 bad. Insects

The main reason for choosing insects was because they're a lot more advantageous and beneficial than most people know, without them...where would we be?

Insects are good;

They provide us with food! Honey is certainly high on the list of products made by insects that may be consumed by humans. Insects also pollinate which creates revenue for countries through crops, fruits, vegetables and many nuts.

For they're aesthetics; They're known in various areas of art. Butterflies are certainly one of the most appealing creatures in nature, with colours and patterns that are enjoyed by humans most of the year. Contextual support; The Egyptians chose a scarab beetle as a symbol of their sun God.

They provide us with manufacturing benefits, used in many products including; lotions, creams, lipsticks, dyes, the colouring of cakes, medicines and beverages.

They help us with natural and biological control; the majority of natures balance is due to insects and the activities of parasites and predators

Cleaning! Some small insects including carpet beetles are used by Museum technicians to clean skeletons

Crickets = 100 grams of crickets contain 121 calories!
Silk worm pupae = contains no carbohydrates, useful if your wanting to loose weight.
Caterpillar = packing a walloping 28 grams of protein per 100 grams & contain vitamins B1 and B3

Insects are the most successful types of living organisms, with roughly half of all species on Earth being insects.

Insects are the only type of invertebrate which has evolved the ability to fly.

Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and water; and it's the only food that contains "pinocembrin", anantioxident associated with improved brain functioning.

The flight of the dragonfly is so special that it has inspired engineers who dream of making robots that fly like dragonflies.

They have shaped human cultures and civilizations in countless ways, they supply unique natural products, they regulate the population densities of many potential pest species, they dispose of our wastes, bury the dead, and recycle organic nutrients.  Indeed, we seldom stop to consider what life would be like without insects and how much we depend on them for our very survival.  To paraphrase William Shakespeare, "The evil that insects do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their exoskeletons." 

Insects are bad;

Mosquitoes and flies transmit diseases that sicken and kill

Insects consume or damage many of our food crops which in the less developed countries leaves to malnutrition and make many people, especially children less able to fight off pathogens

Because they dominate all terrestrial environments that support human life, insects are usually our most important competitors for food, fiber, and other natural resources.

Bullet Ant; Apparently the sting is so painful it feels like being shot, considered by many to possess the most painful sting known to man.

Bot fly; Its larvae burrow into the skin of their host and remain inside for weeks, Hosts can feel them moving inside raised pustules.

Fleas, theses blood suckers helped spread numerous diseases, Most notably caused outbreaks of bubonic plague.

Kissing bug; bites victims during the night usually around the lips or eyes, Spread Chagas disease, which kills over 12,000 people a year

Giant Japanese Hornet; Causes intense pain & possess venom that can dissolve human tissue, causes annually around 40 deaths.

Mosquitoes; Feed on the blood of humans and animals, they transmit malaria, which kills over 1 million people a year.

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