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Thursday 17 January 2013

Responsive / Douwe Egberts Coffee. Crit feedback prior to final

For this crit I was quite disappointed by the quantity of work I'd produced, but I was happy that I'd fully solidified my approach and design direction, I already knew what I had to do and the crit really just highlighted these points. 

Peer review - Groups of 2 - x2

5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 2= average, 1= poor

Clarity of concept = 3, 5

Breadth of ideas= 3, 3

Appropriateness of Response= 4, 5

Contextual Awareness= 4, 3

Analysis / Understanding of Audience= 4, 4

Level of Innovation/ Originality= 3, 4

Quality/ Clarity of Presentation= 3, 4

Common Question...

1/ Has the potential product range been fully exploited?
2/ Has the context of delivery been considered?
3/ Has the audience or gender been considered?
4/ How much information is needed?
5/ Clarity of presentation / organisation?

Areas for Improvement

Maybe make clearer what the campaign is? Like context shots.

Where would you buy it from if someone's stamping - referring to the token card.

If the pyramid exists, can you do it? (Yes because I'll of developed the design much further and also changed its appearance drastically by altering the size and width of the triangle, in terms of packaging, it is a broad market and all shapes have been replicated before in some way or another, BUT if my peers think this then I'll have to develop my research and find ways around this.)

Products in context could be shown?

Additional comments

Not sure what you mean by handles after ten buys?

How would the pyramids be packaged?

Really good idea for portion control, will mean coffee will always taste good as quantity will be set by coffee makers

Aztec design links really well with audience, we are complementing you for the colour use! strong design boards.


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Leeds College of Art. Graphic Design.

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