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Monday 15 April 2013

Responsive / Feel Good / Review

In response to the 'Feel Good' Brief I decided that it would be beneficial to note all of the most important aspects of the brief, this way I wouldn't spend time developing ideas that are dead in the water as soon as they begin. From my list of notes I'll also highlight key areas.
What are the 10 most important words on the brief?


13 - 34 year olds
Fresh ideas
Feel Good
Simplicity is a viable option.

What is the message?

- simple, colourful and impactful designs to represent the brand

- no added sugar and 100% natural ingredients
- communication that the drinks are healthy
- make people happy to pay a little bit more for a healthy drink
- friendly, fun and cheeky

Who is the audience?

- Myself

- Students
- Health conscious
- Adults
- People that care

What products are associated with it?

- Fruit

- Other soft drinks
- Breakfast cereals
- Tea & Coffee

What is the context?

- Supermarket

- Newsagents
- Health places - gyms/spas
- Cafes
- Universities

What products are associated with it?

- Fruit

- Other soft drinks
- Breakfast cereals
- Tea & Coffee

10 Things That Make A Winning Design

- Innovative

- Effective communication
- Professional
- Execution of ideas to full potential
- Appeal to target audience
- Restrictions
- Presentation
- Development

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Leeds College of Art. Graphic Design.

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